
I have a server with FreeBSD 6.2 that is not generating RTC IRQs.
When the system boots everything it's working fine and I get 128
interrupts per second but after a few hours the system starts
losing RTC interrupts. If I enable powerd it happens much faster
than without it.

I've searched on the internet for other people with the same
problem and I've found that this one[1] could be related, but
as I'm not using APM can't use the workaround.

Any ideas on how could I fix this?

Attached are the dmesg and vmstat -i output.


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planetas, es que no han intentado contactar con nosotros. 
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FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Sun Mar 11 23:57:37 CET 2007
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/EQUILIBRIUM
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Intel Pentium III (868.64-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x68a  Stepping = 10
real memory  = 401473536 (382 MB)
avail memory = 383381504 (365 MB)
pnpbios: Bad PnP BIOS data checksum
acpi0: < INTEL SOLANO70> on motherboard
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x408-0x40b on acpi0
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
acpi_throttle0: <ACPI CPU Throttling> on cpu0
pcib0: <ACPI Host-PCI bridge> port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib0
agp0: <Intel 82815 (i815 GMCH) SVGA controller> mem 
0xf8000000-0xfbffffff,0xffa80000-0xffafffff irq 11 at device 2.0 on pci0
pcib1: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 30.0 on pci0
pci1: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib1
fxp0: <Intel 82559 Pro/100 Ethernet> port 0xdc00-0xdc3f mem 
0xff8fe000-0xff8fefff,0xff700000-0xff7fffff irq 7 at device 3.0 on pci1
miibus0: <MII bus> on fxp0
inphy0: <i82555 10/100 media interface> on miibus0
inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
fxp0: Ethernet address: 00:30:48:22:8d:9e
fxp1: <Intel 82559 Pro/100 Ethernet> port 0xd480-0xd4bf mem 
0xff8fd000-0xff8fdfff,0xff600000-0xff6fffff irq 11 at device 4.0 on pci1
miibus1: <MII bus> on fxp1
inphy1: <i82555 10/100 media interface> on miibus1
inphy1:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
fxp1: Ethernet address: 00:30:48:22:8d:9d
ahc0: <Adaptec aic7899 Ultra160 SCSI adapter> port 0xd000-0xd0ff mem 
0xff8fc000-0xff8fcfff irq 3 at device 5.0 on pci1
aic7899: Ultra160 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs
ahc1: <Adaptec aic7899 Ultra160 SCSI adapter> port 0xd800-0xd8ff mem 
0xff8ff000-0xff8fffff irq 10 at device 5.1 on pci1
aic7899: Ultra160 Wide Channel B, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs
isab0: <PCI-ISA bridge> at device 31.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci0: <Intel ICH2 UDMA100 controller> port 
0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0xffa0-0xffaf at device 31.1 on pci0
ata0: <ATA channel 0> on atapci0
ata1: <ATA channel 1> on atapci0
pci0: <serial bus, USB> at device 31.2 (no driver attached)
pci0: <serial bus, SMBus> at device 31.3 (no driver attached)
pci0: <serial bus, USB> at device 31.4 (no driver attached)
acpi_button0: <Sleep Button> on acpi0
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> port 0x60,0x64 irq 1 on acpi0
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> irq 1 on atkbdc0
atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
sio0: <16550A-compatible COM port> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on acpi0
sio0: type 16550A
pmtimer0 on isa0
orm0: <ISA Option ROMs> at iomem 
0xc0000-0xc9fff,0xcc000-0xccfff,0xcd000-0xcdfff,0xce000-0xd3fff on isa0
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
sio1: configured irq 3 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0
sio1: port may not be enabled
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
Timecounter "TSC" frequency 868640155 Hz quality 800
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
ad2: 305245MB <Seagate ST3320820A 3.AAC> at ata1-master UDMA100
da0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <SEAGATE ST318437LW 0105> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device 
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da0: 17547MB (35937500 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2237C)
da1 at ahc0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
da1: <SEAGATE ST318437LW 0105> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device 
da1: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da1: 17547MB (35937500 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2237C)
GEOM_MIRROR: Device os created (id=653370967).
GEOM_MIRROR: Device os: provider da0 detected.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device os: provider da1 detected.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device os: provider da1 activated.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device os: provider da0 activated.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device os: provider mirror/os launched.
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/mirror/oss1a
fxp0: link state changed to DOWN
fxp0: link state changed to UP
fxp0: link state changed to DOWN
fxp0: link state changed to UP
interrupt                          total       rate
irq0: clk                     1899333021        994
irq3: ahc0                       6090152          3
irq7: fxp0                       2849709          1
irq8: rtc                        2829835          1
irq10: ahc1                           15          0
irq11: fxp1                     26988940         14
irq15: ata1                      2300972          1
Total                         1940392644       1015
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