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- --On Wednesday, May 02, 2007 11:17:02 -0700 John-Mark Gurney 

> netstat -A will list the socket address, fstat will list the fd, and what
> socket it connected to that fd..

Oh wow ... according to this, I have:

mars# wc -l /tmp/output
   11238 /tmp/output

(minus some header lines) sockets running righ tnow ...

okay, next question ... under 'Active UNIX domain sockets, I see alot that have 
no Addr:

Active UNIX domain sockets
Address  Type   Recv-Q Send-Q    Inode     Conn     Refs  Nextref Addr
d06b7480 stream      0      0        0 c969b240        0        0 
c969b240 stream      0      0        0 d06b7480        0        0
ce6fc870 stream      0      0        0 cf744870        0        0 
cf744870 stream      0      0        0 ce6fc870        0        0
ce4b2630 stream      0      0        0 d0cee900        0        0 
d0cee900 stream      0      0        0 ce4b2630        0        0
d0437240 stream      0      0        0 cf716000        0        0 
cf716000 stream      0      0        0 d0437240        0        0
c94f4990 stream      0      0        0 cee6ed80        0        0 
cee6ed80 stream      0      0        0 c94f4990        0        0
d0cefcf0 stream      0      0        0 cb281a20        0        0 
cb281a20 stream      0      0        0 d0cefcf0        0        0
ce0d5240 stream      0      0        0 cb251480        0        0 private/anvil

Now, the 'Conn' field from the previous line matches the 'Address' line of the 
'blank Addr' ... so there are two sockets for each Addr?  in vs out?

To give reference point ... mars above has 91 jail'd environments running on 
it, its been up 2days, 9hrs now, and has 11k sockets in use ...

Hrmmm ... just checked jupiter, and she has 32 jail with 1080 sockets ... venus 
has 62
jail with 2819 sockets ... and pluto has 35 jails with 1818 sockets ...

mars is running on average 2x the number of sockets per jail then the other 
servers ...

Is this normal?

mars# grep d067f900 /tmp/output
d067f900 stream      0      0        0 cafd4c60        0        0
cafd4c60 stream      0      0        0 d067f900        0        0

There is no 'Addr' related to either of them?  I can scroll down pages and 
pages of those types of entries, that don't have any Addr field associated with 
them ...

> --
>   John-Mark Gurney                            Voice: +1 415 225 5579
>      "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."
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