LI Xin wrote:
> Hi, Jack,
> Jack Vogel wrote:
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:14:0:  class=0x020000 card=0x002e8086 chip=0x100e8086 
>>> rev=0x02
>>> hdr=0x00
> [...]
>> The driver in 6.2 RELEASE fixed all known problems with
>> watchdogs, other than REAL issues with the network/hardware.
>> Have you tried installing that?
> A friend of mine has reported similar problem, with different em(4)
> hardware.  The server runs lighttpd on ufs, and the watchdog timeout
> occurs no matter whether there is heavy traffic.
> Here is some pciconf -l output which can be interesting.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/etc]# pciconf -l|grep em
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:0:0:   class=0x020000 card=0x30a38086 chip=0x108b8086 
> rev=0x03
> hdr=0x00
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:5:0:   class=0x020000 card=0x30a18086 chip=0x10768086 
> rev=0x05
> hdr=0x00
> Should more debugging aid / information is needed to narrow down the
> issue please let us know, thanks!

Forgot to mention, the em0 (which have watchdog issue) has device
polling turned on.

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