On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 10:44:37PM +0100, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm experiencing the above mentioned LOR on a 6.2p1/amd64 box (running 
> gmirror and SMP if that matters).
> With reference to your question on 
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2006-November/031048.html:
> >What application you run that triggers the LOR ? 
> Bacula, I guess.
> I'm taking filesystem snapshots, running the backup job and deleting the 
> snapshots.
> In fact I've always seen some problems with some files in the snapshots 
> not being accessible to bacula-fd.
> In a previous (quite old) thread it was in fact suggested I might be 
> seeing some LOR, but only recently I activated all the debugging stuff.
The (usual) consequence of the LOR is lock up.
> What's the risk of running the suggested patch on a (quite critical) 
> production server?
It shall be safe unless you run filesystems compiled as modules, that where
not built against patched kernel (patch changes the kernel binary
> BTW: Sometimes, upon reboot, delayed fscks start and say that the 
> filesystem cannot be fixed with -p and I should run a full fsck. If I 
> reboot in single user mode and run a full fsck, it will find no errors.
> Also, I have a couple of other boxes on which I run bacula this way and 
> I never experienced this problem: they are respectively i386/gmirror/UP 
> and amd64/hardware RAID/SMP; so, might the combination of amd64/gmirror 
> or gmirror/SMP be in the way?
I doubt that gmirror could affect this.

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  • Re: LOR #193 Kostik Belousov

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