Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 03:55:21PM -0600, Greg Barniskis wrote:
>> On our Dell PE2950 units, we had to do the same thing (disable and 
>> replace the Broadcom interfaces), and that was running Windows 
>> Server 2k3. The problem really seems to be flakiness of the chips or 
>> firmware, not necessarily flakiness in the drivers for FreeBSD. 
>> Maybe it's both, I don't know.
>> My point is that Broadcom cards have had some serious problems on 
>> other platforms too, and not just recently. Other NIC brands have 
>> never given us nearly as much trouble.
> Sounds like I'm going to have to purchase a dual NIC card and install
> it in our server, then disable the onboard Broadcom NICs.
> Amusingly, I'll point out that on all newer Supermicro boards (Intel
> chipset-based), Supermicro is using Intel NICs and PHYs, and no longer
> Broadcom.

Supoermicro vacillates between em and bge all the time.  It is
exceedingly annoying, suddenly finding that the NICs have changed yet
again.  At the moment we seem to be getting bge on the X7.... series Xeon
boards.  Mind you, that's only the Xeon stuff -- the Opteron boards were
formerly using em but now seem to have switched to some Nvidia chipset
which I haven't yet managed to test is actually supported with FreeBSD



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
                                                      Flat 3
PGP:         Ramsgate
                                                      Kent, CT11 9PW

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