> > We're 100% FreeBSD-only and i was looking to buy IBM blade servers: can
> > anyone reccomend any of them? models? particular hw/firmware/misc
I can also recommend HP blades in general. I haven't had a chance to play with
FreeBSD on one, but the hardware is solid and the management interface is
good. There's a JVM-based remote console that works on most platforms I've
tried as well as the IE-only one. The IE-only one has built-in floppy/CD
support and a couple other tricks, but there's also a standalone JVM-based
media applet.
I'm 99% sure that the built-in SAS controller is supported by ciss(4), and 90%
sure that the built-in ethernet controller is supported, probably by bge(4).
I'm not sure about the fibre controllers.
Wait until support for the SerDes controller has been MFC'ed to
stable. The ciss-controller is supported allright but the integrated
NIC is currently not.
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