On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 08:39:02PM -0500, Chris Shenton wrote:
> I was running 6.2-PRERELEASE (?) happily until a couple days ago when
> I cvsupped to get 6.2-RELEASE, actually 6.2-STABLE.  Now when I start
> firefox it works -- the first time.  If I stop it, then start again,
> it never materializes on the screen.  Logging out, killing XDM doesn't
> help; a reboot it required (and I have to remove it's lock and
> .parentlock files)

I had a similar problem with firefox locking up if I visited certain web
pages or opened a certain dialog box. Firefox got stuck in kserel as well.

> I'm using portupgrade to make sure all my dependencies are up to
> date.  Anything else I should look for? 

Apparently portupgrade doesn't always work well enough.

What I ended up doing was deleting all ports, updating my ports tree,
and rebuild it all. That fixed the problem for me.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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