On Friday 09 February 2007 20:29, Brooks Davis wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:49:08PM -0800, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 04:06:56PM -0500, Kevin Way wrote:
> > > I recently ran into a bug in the jail startup scripts that caused this
> > > command to be executed:
> > >
> > >     ifconfig bce0 -alias
> > >
> > > It turns out that this command eliminated the primary IP for the
> > > device.
> > >
> It's way to late to make this change.  This is known behavior and has
> been for ages.  If there's a bug it's in the documentation.
wellwell, we also were apes for ages but does not mean that we stay behaving 
like them  and if some still does so it is also never to late to change 
that  ;)

"ifconfig nic -alias" is obviously a wired and confusing behaviour and should 
firstable do what it says, remove an alias and not the first IP address even 
if it can be seen as an alias too. Logic would exist when ifconfig nic -alias 
removes all aliases (or perhaps first of them) but not one by one  starting 
with the first ip. Then when there is no other alias left it should better 
ask if removing the Ip address is really desired since it is essential to 
have one. rmuser and other utilities also ask such kind of questions for less 

then already beeing here there is more, ifconfig nic alias does not return 
anything at all and ifconfig nic -alias on a nic w/o ip returns "can't assign 
requested address" ...



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