Woah you just made my day

Saying dspam or greylisting is useless ;)
I hope you mean that by ironic -
no you cannot block 100% spam but 99.99% effectivly which I already do
even productive.
But not with sendmail (who is using sendmail these days?)


JoaoBR wrote:
> On Thursday 25 January 2007 04:08, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
>> For purposes of making the subject less true, setting up greylisting
>> with an optional tarpit for known baddies can be very effective.  See
>> Dan Langille's recent Onlamp article[1] or for that matter my tutorial[2]
>> for how this is done using PF and spamd - this way it doesn't matter much
>> which MTA(s) you use.
>> [1] http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2007/01/18/greylisting-with-pf.html
>> [2] http://home.nuug.no/~peter/pf/en/, with the specifics of spamd and
>>     greylisting starting at http://home.nuug.no/~peter/pf/en/spamd.html
> all this methods are certainly useless, stay calm ok
> the only way to block spam really is blocking any incoming tcp:25 ...
> any firewall based method you may use do block innocents as well, ike
some do
> they block entire IP ranges from countries because most spam comes from
> that is stupid, more brainless since the spam mostly is not generated
by any
> of this servers, it only goes through it, this method might cause *you*
> getting this spam but does not stop spam at all ...
> probably better, if you like firewall blocks, cutting the complete US IP
> address space from sending to any tcp:25 to stop spam definitly, because I
> never heard of chinese or african viagra hahahaha
> spam block list abviously are very usefull so long as they are maintained
> IMO a good way and probably the best way is to do some inicial checks like
> connection rate and limit them, then a spam checker like spamassassin for
> regex and header checks
> still you get SPAM and you never can block spam 100%, spammers change
> IPs, patterns faster then we can react, but we all know this right?
> and even then if you get it all into your box you still get spam by
whom sends
> it out without caring of identity or hiding it, a correct email msg but
> where spam needs to be catched is at the origin, ISPs should take care
of this
> problem by not permitting access to outside servers but only passing
> their smtp gateways, an outgoing spam check is what needs to be done but 
> here nobody cares ...

Georg 'Therion' Bege
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <therion at ninth minus art dot de>
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