Hello Dave !

Wed Nov 1 18:54:19 UTC 2006

Yes, the Linux bnx2 driver does support SerDes.  I don't have the
bandwidth to tackle this feature until after the first of the year,
though a few other people have also considered looking into adding
the support.

Any news or status report regarding support for this new network interface in FreeBSD ?

Med vennlig hilsen / Regards;

  Roar Pettersen
  Universitetet i Bergen -  The University of Bergen
  Nygardsgt. 5  -  N-5020 BERGEN  - Norway
  Tlf: +47 55 58 40 55  VIP: 81503  fax: +47 55 58 40 70
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - IT-Avd, UiB - http://www.uib.no
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