Simon L. Nielsen wrote:

On 2006.12.28 19:55:55 -0500, Charles Sprickman wrote:

Is there any official doc on this? Perhaps I'm just not finding it? I would assume since everyone is being urged to get away from 4.x that somewhere there's a good step-by-step on how to do that.

That is the one I used (or perhaps I used it from 5.3-RELEASE, but
should be the same), when I recently upgraded a system 4->5->6.  The
5->6 should be pretty much like any other FreeBSD upgrade, just follow
the normal documented upgrade procedure and don't skip steps.  My
upgrade actually turned out to be pretty painless and just work.

Hi Simon,

Charles is looking for info on how to upgrade remote systems, which he does not have physical access
to. The document you reference does not have that info.



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"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." (Thomas Jefferson)

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