
It still seems to be necessary to patch rtld in order to get the Flash plugin to work (www/linux-flashplugin7) due to the '_dlsym' symbol not being found.

I was able to use a smaller patch to do this, see attached (although this may not build with the Intel C compiler).

Also, a more recent version of the Adobe Acrobat viewer (print/acroread7) is needed in order to stop the XtCalloc messages. Details here:

Make sure /compat/linux/dev/null does not exist; if it does, as a regular file, that's bogus and will stop nppdf.so from loading.

With these changes, both plugins work on my system.

--- rtld.c.orig	Thu Dec  7 09:42:13 2006
+++ rtld.c	Thu Dec  7 10:07:42 2006
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
     (func_ptr_type) &_rtld_free_tls,
+__strong_reference(dlsym, _dlsym);
  * Global declarations normally provided by crt1.  The dynamic linker is
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