Erik Trulsson wrote:
 > Oliver Fromme wrote:
 > > Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:
 > > > Please understand that this is an honest question but isn't that true
 > > > only of IDE heritage drives. E.g. If a SCSI drive with Tagged Queuing
 > > > says that the the bits have been written doesn't it mean that the bits
 > > > have really been written?
 > > 
 > > Right, unless the SCSI drive has a label saying "Quantum".
 > In other words: Yes, assuming the SCSI drive works as it should.  Not
 > all SCSI drives work as they should.

Right.  However, exactly the same is also true for IDE/ATA
disks: assuming that they work as they should ...
But it seems that for (server-grade) SCSI drives the chances
are better than for (consumer-grade) IDE/ATA drives.

 > > PS:  Quantum is today owned by maxtor, isn't it?  I've lost
 > > track of HD manufacturers when Seagate bought Conner ...
 > Quantum and Maxtor merged and became Maxtor.  Maxtor was recently
 > bought by Seagate, so it is Seagate that owns Quantum these days.

Uh, so now Seagate practically owns Quantum, Maxtor _and_
Conner?  They got pretty fat then, it seems.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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