Petr Holub wrote:
>> To avoid repeating myself too many times, I'm just going to point
>> to my latest blog entry:
>> pgrade.html
> I've tested it (ok, one day later than I assumed) and resulted in
> a kernel panic after reboot when attempting to start mountd. Basically
> it looks like the new kernel hasn't been installed (/boot/kernel/kernel
> is dated Aug 30).

That's strange.

> May it be because I'm tracking 6.1-SECURITY using
> freebsd-update and the binary diff fails then?

That shouldn't be the case; I've used this script on lots of other systems
which were running FreeBSD Update, and when files can't be generated by
using a binary patch, the script just downloads the entire file instead.

Assuming you still have the files in the script's working directory
(/usr/upgrade, if you followed my blog post line for line), could you look
for a directory named something-install or something-rollback and send me
the INDEX-OLD and INDEX-NEW files from there?  Hopefully that will let me
figure out what went wrong...

> Maybe just an idea for improvement: it would be helpful if you can
> put the update candidates for changed config files (/etc) into /etc/upgrade
> in a way binary update from sysinstall does that. I understand why
> you want to avoid doing mergemaster from your script, but it would
> be fine to have the files at least ready so that user can diff them
> and decide what to do.

I'm planning on adding automatic merging of configuration files soon.

Colin Percival
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