I have strange problem. I'm running radius server which in turn serves
user requests by
running application. The application connects to another host (mysql
server) and gets data and
do some calculations and return results.
Application runs fine, but from time to time it hangs and I can see it
using ps -ax command.
So when application hangs radius can not serve user requests any more
waiting the application
to finish.
Before updating from FreeBSD-5.2-STABLE to RELENG_6 it was working fine
and I didn't observe
such problem for 2 years. Since upgrading to RELENG_6 a couple of months
ago this problem appeared.
While application was hanging, I can log into the system. I can log into
another mysql host which is
the exactly same machine with more RAM. I checked mysql server's
processlist by running
'mysql show processlist' and there wasn't any process running and
locking the tables.
I'm using mysql client/server-4.0.27 from ports.
So do I have interrupt storms here and it is something related to bge?
What else should I check when application hangs again?
Here is dmesg, vmstat, ps outputs:
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