On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 07:01:38PM -0400, Mike Jakubik wrote:
> Greetings,
>    I am in the process of implementing a fairly large mysql server for 
> an even larger company, and naturally i want to use FreeBSD. The 
> hardware will be an HP DL385, 2 x dual-core Opterons, 16GB RAM,  7 x 15k 
> rpm disks in a RAID5 setup. I'm not exactly informed as to the specific 
> workload yet, however i know the database will have several million rows 
> and be larger than 10GB.
>    So, first of all, am i crazy for choosing fbsd+mysql for this rather 
> than something like Solaris + Oracle? :) Secondly, i am just looking for 
> some suggestions, opinions, success/failure story's that may help me 
> out. Is anyone out there using FreeBSD for something of this size? I am 
> hoping that everything will work out well, and the client will be happy. 
> This would generate some good PR for FreeBSD, as it is a very large 
> international company and it would be the first FreeBSD server (that i 
> know of) of this type there.
> Thanks, any input will be appreciated.

I ran a database of this general size on FreeBSD + Postgresql in 1998!

Definitely not crazy to do this, but I'd run Raid10 instead of 5, as
performance will be much better.

I would not use mysql for this - but that's my personal preference coming
through here.  I believe Postgresql has far better data integrity in a
corporate-style environment.

Karl Denninger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Internet Consultant & Kids Rights Activist
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