Andrew Reilly wrote: > On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 04:14:53PM +1000, Tony Maher wrote: > >>dumpfs / | more >>magic 19540119 (UFS2) time Thu Oct 26 14:29:14 2006 > > > Thanks for the tip. Same on this system, so I must have given > it a proper clean install when I moved to 5.3. > > The dumpfs output seems to say a lot of interesting things. > Might dumpfs /usr be able to tell me why the 6.2-BETA > kernel/fsck can't find it's super-blocks?
Sorry do not know much about these commands but doesn't ffsinfo show superblock info? ffsinfo -o /var/tmp/ffsinfo.log / ===== START SUPERBLOCK ===== # [EMAIL PROTECTED]: primary sblock sblkno int32_t 0x00000028 cblkno int32_t 0x00000030 iblkno int32_t 0x00000038 dblkno int32_t 0x00000bb8 old_cgoffset int32_t 0x00000000 old_cgmask int32_t 0x00000000 old_time int32_t 0 old_size int32_t 0x00000000 ... state int32_t 0x00000000 old_postblformat int32_t 0x00000000 old_nrpos int32_t 0x00000000 spare5 int32_t[2] 0x00000000 0x00000000 magic int32_t 0x19540119 ===== END SUPERBLOCK ===== > Hmm, that's odd. Most of the 400 cylinder groups in /usr have a > "time" value that is in about the last month (most much closer > to "now" than that). The very last one doesn't seem to have > been touched since Jul 2005, which is plausibly when I formatted > it. Neither does it list any inodes used. Is this normal > behaviour or a sign of something ill? I see: magic 19540119 (UFS2) time Thu Oct 26 20:55:15 2006 superblock location 65536 id [ 42d64d1d 5cdf5278 ] ncg 6 size 524288 blocks 506487 bsize 16384 shift 14 mask 0xffffc000 fsize 2048 shift 11 mask 0xfffff800 frag 8 shift 3 fsbtodb 2 minfree 8% optim time symlinklen 120 maxbsize 16384 maxbpg 2048 maxcontig 8 contigsumsize 8 nbfree 48586 ndir 107 nifree 136086 nffree 1667 bpg 11761 fpg 94088 ipg 23552 nindir 2048 inopb 64 maxfilesize 140806241583103 sbsize 2048 cgsize 16384 csaddr 3000 cssize 2048 sblkno 40 cblkno 48 iblkno 56 dblkno 3000 cgrotor 4 fmod 0 ronly 0 clean 0 avgfpdir 64 avgfilesize 16384 flags none fsmnt / volname swuid 0 cs[].cs_(nbfree,ndir,nifree,nffree): (10282,26,23415,292) (5367,10,21384,206) (5706,16,21567,1081) (10078,25,2269 6,84) (10792,30,23472,4) (6361,0,23552,0) blocks in last group 6731 cg 0: magic 90255 tell 18000 time Fri Oct 13 17:27:50 2006 cgx 0 ndblk 94088 niblk 23552 initiblk 256 nbfree 10282 ndir 26 nifree 23415 nffree 292 rotor 15880 irotor 7 frotor 3104 frsum 1 3 1 16 11 19 7 sum of frsum: 292 clusters 1-7: 7 2 2 13 1 0 0 clusters size 8 and over: 6 clusters free: 384, 413, 439, 444, 473-475, 477, 540-541, 544-545, 550, 626-630, 636, 675-686, 695-698, 745-748, 795-798, 837-850, 866-868, 887-1042, 1051-1054, 1101-1104, 1151-1154, 1201-1204, 1251-1254, 1301-1304, 1351-1354, 1401-1404, 1451-1454, 1501-1504, 1543-1786, 1971-1985, 1994-11760 inodes used: 0-14, 16-61, 63-65, 67-136, 138-140 blks free: 3002-3007, 3009-3015, 3017-3023, 3027-3031, 3050-3055, 3066-3085, 3091-3095, 3098-3103, 3122-3127, 3130-3135, 3138-3149, 3152-3157, 3163-3167, 3171-3175, 3179-3183, 3187-3196, 3266-3271, 3276-3279, 3285-3287, 3296-3301, 3304-3311, 3328-3331, 3344-3347, 3354-3364, 3374-3375, 3384-3389, 3392-3398, 3400-3406, 3408-3412, 3416-3419, 3424-3430, 3432-3438, 3440-3446, 3448-3453, 3472-3477, 3512-3519, 3540-3543, 3548-3559, 3576-3581, 3647-3653, 3764-3767, 3774-3775, 3784-3813, 3816-3823, 4051-4055, 4244-4247, 4315-4335, 4352-4367, 4396-4407, 4414-4415, 4564-4567, 4652-4655, 4740-4743, 4828-4831, 4916-4919, 5004-5047, 5088-5095, 5400-5495, 5560-5591, 5960-5991, 6360-6391, 6696-6807, 6924-6951, 7096-8343, 8408-8439, 8808-8839, 9208-9239, 9608-9639, 10008-10039, 10408-10439, 10808-10839, 11208-11239, 11608-11639, 12008-12039, 12344-14295, 15768-15887, 15952-94087 ... -- tonym _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"