On 26 Oct 2006, at 1:21, Sam Baskinger wrote:
Adding to the excitement, our band of attack squirrels haven't been
to bring down our 2950 yet with this one. We are using the if_bce.c
the HEAD w/ a small chunk about vlans commented out (for any
We're trying outbound UDP_STREAM tests w/ netperf of big and small
payloads to a machine on the same 100Mb switch. Nothing fancy, but
we could once crash in seconds now hangs tough till the end of the
Also adding,
It survived multiple buildworld runs over NFS v3 udp hard mounts
while inserting a 11gb compressed mysql dump over NFS into the
database running on local disks. Both machines involved for the
buildworld are 2950's running 6.2-PRERELEASE, identically configured.
source for the mysqldump is a NetApp F810c, all connections over gig
this is with r of if_bce.c
- Ruben
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