
On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 04:10:19PM -0700, Chuck Swiger wrote:

> As for the disk configuration, using RAID-5 is one of the worst  
> possible choices for a database; using multiple RAID-1 mirrors or a  
> RAID-10 config would probably do a lot better in terms of performance  
> and reliability.

I second that. And I just want to add: you can easily and reliably
run this configuration in software by the means of gmirror and
gstripe. Saves you some $$ that you would have spent on a "hardware
RAID controller". And it's neither slower nor less reliable.
For anything besides RAID 5, 6 or similar (and you don't want RAID 5
for a transaction heavy system) there is no need for dedicated
hardware anymore. Just get a decent SCSI system with a hot plug
backplane, of course.

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