Hi, Koshy

Thanks for your timely reply. It is my fault configuration on the linux 

I use linux instead of vt100 (vt102). 
S1:23:respawn: /sbin/agetty -L ttyS0 115200, 9600 linux

Windows can work with this configuration, but cu and FreeBSD can't.

I replaced it with vt100
S1:23:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyS0 115200, 9600 vt100

That is OK.

Thanks a lot

Best Regards
Sun Zongjun

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Koshy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 2006年10月11日 12:02
To: Sun Zongjun-E5739C
Subject: Re: How to connects to Linux machine via null-modem cable and cu 

On 10/11/06, Sun Zongjun-E5739C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI, all
> I am a newbie to FreeBSD. I want to connect one my pc running FreeBSD
> 6.1 to another PC running Fedora core 5 via a null modem cable.
> I can login the PC running the Fedora Core 5 from PC running Windows 
> via one NULL modem cable.
> When I connect the two serial ports of two pc, one running FreeBSD6.1 
> and the other is FC5 which acts a server.
> I run the command on device running FreeBSD 6.1
> Test# cu -l /dev/cuad0
> Connected
> There is no response on the FreeBSD except the "Connected" string.  
> Such string can occur even there is no cable available.

What happens when you hit 'Enter' a few times?

> What happens to cu command on FreeBSD?

One thing you could check is the expected baud-rate/parity/stop-bit settings at 
the server.

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