cpghost wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 03:37:37PM -0400, Nick Gustas wrote:
> > Not that it helps you much, but I do see working pppoe redial behavior 
> > with Yahoo/AT&T dsl at a client site in the US. I can unhook the dsl 
> > line and it will autoreconnect as soon as it's plugged in again. In the 
> > event of a provider outage it comes back up on its own. The current ppp 
> > session has been running for 59 days, longest session was 353 days, but 
> > the server had to be moved for remodeling.
> Same here. I've got some 6.1-STABLE boxes running since 70 days
> uninterrupted on german T-Com ADSL (PPPoE). ppp redials automatically
> without any problems there.

I maintain three FreeBSD boxes from 4.11 to 6.1-RELEASE and 6-STABLE.
They have been showing this for at least 1 or 2 years. So it is/was also
present in the 5.x line.

I usually work around this by having a cron job that restarts ppp every
day at 04:00 or somewhere around that.

So either I'm just unlucky or I'm doing something fundamentally wrong.

Could someone paste me the snippet from ppp.log of a successful 24h
disconnect + redial?


Ulrich Spoerlein
A: Yes.
>Q: Are you sure?
> >A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> >>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
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