Hi, Scott!

On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 10:32:49AM -0600, Scott Long wrote:

> 1. Revert the em driver to its 6.1 form, ask people to test if the
> problem persists.  If it doesn't, leave it at that for now.

For me the problem manifested itself some time between 6.0
and 6.1. I did the testing with Pyun with 6-STABLE up to
two weeks before 6.2-PRERELEASE.

Currently we do not dare upgrade typo3.org from 5.5 to 6.x
for precisely this problem. 5.5 is running fine for the
time being, no need to hurry for "the latest and greatest", yet.

And the problem is not at all bound to shared interrupts.
I'll let you ssh in, if you like.

Kind regards,
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