On 9/27/06, Ulrich Spoerlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm sorry to hijack this thread, but what's the recommended way to read
out temperature values via SMB?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:31:3:      class=0x0c0500 card=0x618015d9 chip=0x24d38086
rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
    vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
    device   = '82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) SMBus Controller'
    class    = serial bus
    subclass = SMBus

ichsmb0: <Intel 82801EB (ICH5) SMBus controller> port 0x1100-0x111f irq 17
at device 31.3 on pci0
ichsmb0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
smbus0: <System Management Bus> on ichsmb0

# mbmon -d
ioctl(smb0:open): No such file or directory
SMBus[Intel8XX(ICH/ICH2/ICH3/ICH4/ICH5/ICH6)] found, but No HWM available
on it!!
No Hardware Monitor found!!
InitMBInfo: Bad file descriptor
# ls /dev/smb*
ls: No match.
# sysctl -a|grep smb
dev.ichsmb.0.%desc: Intel 82801EB (ICH5) SMBus controller
dev.ichsmb.0.%driver: ichsmb
dev.ichsmb.0.%location: slot=31 function=3 handle=\_SB_.PCI0.SMBS
dev.ichsmb.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x8086 device=0x24d3 subvendor=0x15d9
subdevice=0x6180 class=0x0c0500
dev.ichsmb.0.%parent: pci0
dev.smbus.0.%desc: System Management Bus
dev.smbus.0.%driver: smbus
dev.smbus.0.%parent: ichsmb0

Ok, forget about the 'ls /dev/smb', the /dev/smb0 device is actually there,
it's just devfs that set me up again. I also found sysutils/lmmon to give me
some sane values, however the temperature values are way off:

MB temp:
254C / 489F / 527K
 1 :    0 rpm
 2 :    0 rpm
 3 :    0 rpm
 Vcore1 :  +2.703V
 Vcore2 :  +2.750V
 + 3.3V :  +2.750V
 + 5.0V :  +4.906V
 +12.0V : +11.812V
 -12.0V : -11.938V
 - 5.0V :  -5.114V
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