I am building my own releases for FreeBSD. When upgrading a server to the
new release, I'd like to use the 'make installworld' procedure. Therefore
I'm mounting the /usr/src and /usr/obj from the release build via NFS onto
the server in question.

Are you running "make buildworld" on one host and "make installworld"
on another?  That isn't guaranteed to work AFAIK.   You need to run both
steps on the same host.  Use DESTDIR=/path-to-nfs-mount-point.

Note that you can build a 'world' for a different target architecture than
that the build machine is running.

However, installworld will fail, as it looks like some binaries are not
built inside the chrooted make release build. First missing binary is
cat(1). After manually building it, the installworld stops at chmod(1)

===> bin/chio (install)
install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   chio /bin
install -o root -g wheel -m 444 chio.1.gz  /usr/share/man/man1
===> bin/chmod (install)
install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   chmod /bin
install: chmod: No such file or directory
*** Error code 71

So, what's the recommended way to a) build own releases and b) update your
servers with it.

See /usr/src/UPDATING, look for "COMMON ITEMS".

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