Hello Taras,

Friday, September 22, 2006, 12:59:24 PM, you wrote:

> Pete French пишет:
>>> this is indeed a nice workaround (at least if it helps :-)), but
>>> somebody(tm) should have a look why the kqueue support is broken
>>> there in the first place.
>> I think it's a problem in Dovecot, not FreeBSD - there are a number of
>> messages regarding this on the Dovecot lists, including a nunmber of
>> attempts to fix the problem. OpenBSD also disables kqueue on their
>> port of Dovecot due to it not working properly.
>> -pete.

> I can make additional tests of dovecot with kqueue if somebody gives me
> some tips what to do.

if this is really a dovecot issue, I think that this topic should be
moved to the dovecot's mailing list.

Best regards,
 Daniel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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