On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 02:46:04PM -0400, Bucky Jordan wrote:
> Sam,
> I've got a PowerEdge 2950 with a DRAC 5 card, and I'm having what
> appears to be the same set of issues. I'm running 6.1 amd64 RELEASE.
> I've only gotten the " bce0: Error mapping mbuf into TX chain!" error a
> few times now. Although the box isn't in production at the moment, we've
> been sending quite a bit of data (several GB) across the interface
> without a hitch (basically remote COPY statements for postgresql). It
> sounds like your 1950 is/was having the issue more frequently (our 2950
> stays up for days at a time).

The 'error mapping mbuf' error seems to have been fixed by the latest
set of changes to if_bce.c - after upgrading to the latest stable, that
problem stopped happening.  

However, instead of that, under rather higher load, we now get the
watchdog timer error instead.  This is not good :)  I can get it within
minutes with something like building something big from ports, during
the initial source download.

> However, the fact that I do get the error every now and then is still a
> concern, so I plan to rebuild world and kernel when I get the chance.
> Please keep us posted on your findings, and if it'd be useful to have
> another box to run tests on, I'd be happy to give it a go.

I think moving to stable will fix the mbuf error for you, as that's what
others report.  You, and all the other reports I've seen have been
running amd64, which I haven't been (I didn't build the box originally).
I'll know tommorow if amd64 makes much of a difference or not.

Oh, other info - I'm running the standard SMP kernel config with no

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