On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 07:51:29PM +0200, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> Greg Byshenk wrote:

> >This happened four times (with the same errors that have been discussed
> >here), running 6.1 STABLE as of June 22.  Before attempting to RMA the
> >drives, I tried an updated kernel, 6.1 STABLE as of July 19.  Strangely
> >enough, the problems disappeared.

> >So, while I have not checked everything that has changed, it _might_ be
> >worth trying 6.1 STABLE...
> I have problems with 6.1-RELEASE same as with 6.1-STABLE from August 2. 
> I can try newer STABLE, but as I see on cvsweb, there are not much 
> changes in ATA driver sources, only new chipsets added.

It is only an idea, based on something that worked for me.  And, as I
said, my situation is not exactly the same as the others.
> It is strange to me, that I can see significant changes of read/write 
> speed. (I am running nonstop tests with writing disk full of files, 
> delete them, and start again + generating graphs) Speed vary from 
> 2.5MB/s to 11MB/s by jumps. Not continuous from the lowest to the 
> highest. Writing is for example 3MB/s for 20 hours, then jump to 10MB/s 
> and after some time (6 - 20 hours) jump down to about 3MB/s.
> After some days of testing, disk disappear, system reboots itself, 
> resynchronize gmirror and work for next few days till the next disk lose.
> Also earlier synchronization was done after 1:30 hour (at about 30MB/s), 
> now synchronization run at lower speeds - from 2.5MB/s to 15MB/s, so the 
> whole synchronization is done after more then 5 hours (the longest was 
> 20 hours to synchronize 250GB HDDs)

> I don't know what more can I test, what more could be done to solve 
> these problems. :(

You are using gmirror, which I am not, so the situations are not
analogous, since my situation was with h/w RAID.  And I have no direct
experience with gmirror (I use gvinum on a couple of secondary systems,
but those are SCSI based).

Does the output of 'systat -vm' tell you anything of interest?  That is,
are the disks running at or close to 100%, are the CPUs fully loaded, or
anything else...?

greg byshenk  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Leiden, NL
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