Benjamin Thelen wrote:

jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30_3 does not start anymore under FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p13:

/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat5.0/logs/stderr.log sais:
daemon: illegal option -- p
usage: daemon [-cf] command arguments ...

Yes, it's broken.
You can simply resolve this by updating your /usr/sbin/daemon with one compiled from the sources for 5.x

In your 4.x source tree:

  cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/daemon
  cvs -qR update -rRELENG_5 -dP
  make all
  make install

  /usr/sbin/daemon -?
    usage: daemon [-cf] [-p pidfile] command arguments ...

If you update via cvsup, the 'cvs ...' step is not appliable. You could just download the three files present in that directory from a 5.x tree. Of course, after every 'make update' or equivalent, you have to verify that the daemon source files be restored to the 5.x version.

One question for the 4.x mainteiners: would it be possible to MF5.x the new daemon version?

Angelo Turetta
Modena - Italy
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