Damian Gerow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thus spake Lowell Gilbert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [05/06/06 10:32]:
> : > I've often wondered why dhclient.conf doesn't have an 'ignore' directive.
> : > There's a 'require' in there; it doesn't seem like much of a stretch to
> : > 'ignore' something.
> : 
> : Why not just write a simple script for one of the hooks that
> : dhclient-script(8) supports?  
> I'd looked at this before (a few months back), and deemed it insufficient
> for the job.  However, upon your re-suggestion, I can't see why it /won't/
> work.  It should also be able to figure out which wired LAN the machine is
> connected to, and assign the appropriate DNS servers.  So this /may/
> actually address my problem.  (Goodness knows why I originally dismissed
> it.)
> However, this ignores my original question: why is there no 'ignore'
> directive in dhclient.conf? 

I don't think it does really beg the question: the existence of other
options reduces the impetus for someone to write it and get it
accepted in to the codebase.

And hidden in there is the direct answer to your question:  the
feature doesn't exist because no one has written it.

>                              It seems like a potentially incredibly useful
> thing, and I run across posts from people who could greatly benefit from
> this every couple of months.

Perhaps, but most of the time "supersede" (or "prepend" or "append")
will solve their problems fine.  At least, that's my experience from
watching this list.
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