On 6/5/06, Pete French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You say you can boot 'safe', can you boot with just ACPI disabled?

Not using an SMP kernel, no. I did another experiment though, I
installed amd64 onto an IDe drive, and that will boot SMP with
APCI disabled, but still only recognises a single processor.

> One suggestion, boot in SAFE or non-ACPI, then do a pciconf -l and
> look for pci devices that are unknown. At least that will give more
> evidence.

O.K, will give that a shot later this evening.

> Hard to say if its ACPI or PCI related. Uh, you did make sure you
> have the latest BIOS for your motherboard right?

Yup - first thing I did. I also asked if other people are using this, and
Soren apparently uses it (for amd64), so it preseumably does work!

We (Intel networking group) have seen issues with SMP and amd64
as well, although I dont know that its fully characterized (what works
and what doesnt) yet.

If just non-ACPI isnt sufficient, the other thing SAFE does is turn
off disk DMA. I have an as-yet unreleased system that has this
same type of issue, and the problem is that two PCI device ID's
are not recognized, so maybe that will be your problem.

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