I realize this message is somewhat old. But as I'm also running
FreeBSD-5.4 + Horde/Imp. I thought I'd comment. I have been using
Horde+Imp with IMAP-UW for several years. I just recently installed
Dovecot. I did so while IMAP-UW was still installed. I simply
commented out the lines for IMAP-UW in inetd.conf, sent a
killall -HUP inetd and proceeded to build/ install Dovecot. This
way, I'd be able to revert if I decided Dovecot was not the best
choice for me. As it turns out; I should have installed Dovecot
a LONG time ago. In short; Mike Jakubik hit the nail squarely
on the head. Dovecot *far* exceeds IMAP-UW in performance and
configurability. My server loads were *greatly* reduced after
making the switch. I also found; although taking a little longer
to setup, is by far and away more configurable and efficient than
IMPA-UW. So to anyone else that is contemplating which IMAP
server to build/ install on their system. It's a "no brainer".
Choose Dovecot. It's sure to get even better as it matures.

--Chris out...

P.S. I am not employed by, nor do I have any affiliation with
Dovecot. Other than having made the choice to install it on my

Quoting Mike Jakubik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

jason wrote:

I'm trying to get imap-uw built on 5.4-RELEASE so that it wil allow plaintext logins. (All connections will be from localhost so I'm not concerned with SSL) But it doesn't want to behave itself. I've tried building it this way:

This belongs more on the ports mailing list, not stable. I don't know why you have this problem, but i would suggest you use dovecot or courier as an imap server instead.
freebsd-stable@freebsd.org mailing list
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... or does it?

FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p12 (SMP - 900x2) Tue Mar 7 19:37:23 PST 2006

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