On Mon, 29 May 2006, Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:

Greg Rivers wrote:
On Thursday 25 May 2006 19:43, Paul Allen wrote:
From Jonathan Noack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Thu, May 25, 2006 at
07:56:07PM -0400: I am currently running with the following in
/etc/rc.conf and haven't experienced any problems:
tmpmfs_flags="-S -o async"

Is there a way to accomplish this with an fstab entry?

md      /tmp            mfs     rw,async,-s1024m,-S

no,I don't think so.  But surely it would be better to just fixup the
standard mount -t path to not call mount_mfs...

Actually there is a way.  I too have not been satisfied with the tmpmfs
features in rc, so for some time now I've simply created a hard link:

        cd /sbin && ln -f mdmfs mount_md

and then used an entry like this in /etc/fstab:

        md              /tmp            md      rw,async,-Sp1777,-s768M 0       0

This works great for me.  A simple patch to mtree could make this hard link
part of the base system.  Nothing else is needed.

You should use the 'mfs' file system. This works out of the box:

md      /tmp    mfs     rw,-s256m,-S,-Otime,async,noatime  0       0

Ulrich Spoerlein

Using 'mfs' as you suggest doesn't work; you'll only get a usage message when you try to mount:

usage: mount_mfs -C [-lNU] [-a maxcontig] [-b block-size] [-c cylinders]
        [-d rotdelay] [-e maxbpg] [-F file] [-f frag-size] [-i bytes]
        [-m percent-free] [-n rotational-positions] [-O optimization]
        [-o mount-options] [-s size] [-v version] md-device mount-point

This is because not all mdmfs options are available in "mount_mfs compatibility" mode as described at the bottom of mdmfs(8). Conspicuously absent are -p, -S, and -w. With 'mfs', you can't turn off softupdates (ie. can't have async), and you can't set arbitrary modes and ownerships on the file system. Creating the "mount_md" hard link to mdmfs and using type 'md' in fstab allows you to use all the features of mdmfs.

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