> And it's not only HR lack problem, we would need more hardware for the
> package building cluster too.

A lot of us run 24/7 netted servers with spare cycles, & wouldn't
be averse to allocating the idle loop to package building for
freebsd.org, but 3 problems:
        - package building at prsent gets done on that trusted cluster,
        - needs root for lots of buils, which many of us dont
          want to give out (sandboxes / chroot maybe ? )
        - freebsd.org would need to know none of our client servers
          had `slipped it a mickey', which would best be protected
          against by anonymisining I guess, so we didnt even know
          what we were compiling.
        - It'd need some mechanised automation, like SETI
A nice project for some Summer Of Code student this summer ?

Julian Stacey.  Consultant Unix Net & Sys. Eng., Munich.  http://berklix.com
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