>From Doug Hardie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sun, May 21, 2006 at 11:48:51PM -0700:
> Failover sounds good in theory but has significant issues in practice  
> that make it sometimes worse than the alternative.  Take mail  
> spools.  If you failover, mail the user saw before has disappeared.   
> Then when you "fail back" it reappears and newer messages disappear.   
> This is hardly unnoticable.  My users do not find that at all  
> acceptable.  Putting the mail spools on a different machine just  
> moves that problem to the different machine.  Trying to keep multiple  
> spools consistent has problems also.  I have watched raid system lose  

It's a hard problem that's why you buy a box to do it:

Rainfinity (recently bought by EMC) has patents on actual
peer-reviewed data-replication algorithms.

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