On Sat, May 13, 2006 at 08:33:38PM +0300, Matti J. Karki wrote:
> On 5/13/06, Paul Schenkeveld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >When I try to copy a large (7GB+) file from one filesystem to another the
> >copy is not equal to te source file.  This behaviour can be reproduced
> >repeatedly.
> >
> >Details:
> >
> >  - FreeBSD 6-STABLE, cvsupped yesterday
> Hi!
> I have very similar problem with my i386 6.1-STABLE installation. With
> 6.0 there were no problems. I have already eliminated bad hardware
> (memory, hard drive) and also overheating. I'm able to reproduce the
> problem with quite small files. 23 megabytes has been enough to get
> corrupted. I have softupdates enabled and the disk is an IDE drive.
> There however is one small difference compared to your situation. I
> had a Java package in the root partition and after upgrading from 6.0
> to 6.1 I reinstalled the package. The package was corrupted even
> though I had used that same package before to install the Java
> run-time to the 6.0 successfully. I haven't touched the file in any
> way between the installations. I also has experienced multiple
> corruptions while copying files. Usually I have to copy a single large
> file three or four times to get it without problems. With smaller
> files (less than 20 megs), there hasn't been any problems.
> Next I'm going to downgrade my installation back to the 6.0 and see if
> the problem will go away.
> I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has experienced same sort of
> problems with 6.1.

It is almost certainly to do with your specific hardware
configuration, or a nonstandard disk-related kernel option you are
using.  Please specify your configuration in detail so others can


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