kldload amr_linux did the trick for me, thanks!


> Boris Samorodov writes:
> | On Tue, 9 May 2006 12:37:43 -0400 (EDT) Brian Szymanski wrote:
> | > PS - mknod c 254 /compat/linux/dev/megadev0 (which is what the device
> is
> | > under linux) doesn't help :(
> |
> | I't only my imho, use it with care:
> |
> | # cd /dev
> | # ln -s amr0 megadev0
> Nope, it needs to show up in devfs.  Making a node manually is going
> to cause trouble.  If there isn't a /dev/megadev0 then you don't
> have the amr_linux loaded.  You can try to kldload but you might
> have to compile it in static.
> Doug A.

Brian Szymanski
Software and Systems Developer
Media Matters for America

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