On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 12:04:33PM -0700, Bradley W. Dutton wrote:
+> Hi,
+> I'm experiencing a sort of livelock on a 6.1 prerelease box. It appears
+> all  of the IO related activity hangs but the box continues to do
+> routing/NAT/etc  for internet access from my other boxes. I can usually
+> get the lockup to occur within about 12 hours of booting.
+> I've narrowed down the commits to those on March 20 (kernel before then
+> works, kernel after then causes problems) and I think the problem is
+> geom/raid related. Besides a small gmirrored root partition the rest of my
+> partitions are all graid3. I'm not sure what information to provide to
+> help troubleshoot but I'm happy to do what's needed.
+> On an unrelated note the rebuild speed was about 50% faster on my box when
+> using the new geom/raid code introduced on March 20th.

Can you break into DDB (alt+ctrl+esc or send break via serial console)
and send me the output of 'traceall' command?

Pawel Jakub Dawidek                       http://www.wheel.pl
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           http://www.FreeBSD.org
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!

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