Dmitry Pryanishnikov wrote:
> Hello!
> On Sat, 8 Apr 2006, Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:
> >Good idea, but this defeates the hierarchical purpose of DNS. Now my
> >caching DNS is always querying the root DNS servers.
>  Sorry, but what kind of hierarchy does it defeat? If client's query
> can't be satisfied from provider's DNS cache, and doesn't refer to
> domain which is hosted on ISP, then provider's DNS server will make
> first query to root DNS server, and then will walk down domain hierarchy
> (e.g. .ua -> -> So setting client's DNS to directly
> query root servers defeats just the provider's DNS cache.

Exactly. Since I have the honour to use a dialup connection regularly,
I'd rather have a forwarding-only DNS server, since that will cut down
the number of DNS packets on the dialup-link tremendously.

The dhclient/named hacks are all very nice, but additionally I'll need
the same in ppp.linkup.

> >And there might be ISPs who disallow outgoing DNS connections to
> >somewhere else than their own DNS servers.
>  Not us ;)

Lucky you, but I'd rather go the local route, since this should always
work and be faster (provided the "ISP"'s named is not overloaded)

Ulrich Spoerlein
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Which is worse: ignorance or apathy?
Don't know. Don't care.

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