On Monday 27 March 2006 23:48, JoaoBR wrote:
> On Monday 27 March 2006 15:51, Mark Linimon wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 12:15:55PM -0300, JoaoBR wrote:
> > > well, the actual driver is trash and unusable and overall crashes SMP
> > > systems ... so more testing to see if it crashes more?  ;)
> >
> > As with any other software development project, you have to draw a line
> > somewhere and say "these things will be in the release and these things
> > will not be in the release"; otherwise, you will never have a release at
> > all.
> >
> > I am not familiar with the code in this case but if its inclusion changed
> > enough other things in the system where _everything_ had to be re-tested
> > then it's not worth the regression.
> >
> > These are just the simple facts of (any) software development.
> well, ok that is completly understandable basicly
> but this driver is unusable since dec/jan for me, for others probably
> longer
> IMO it would make sense to be replaced by Pyuns driver because the original
> is not functional
> kind of strange getting a new release with a known not functional driver
> João

This is not quite true; I am running 2 systems with the sk driver. One of them 
is a dual core athlon64, and it's network connection is indeed flawed unless 
I change debug.mpsafenet to 0. The other machine is a regular athlon64 and 
has no problems at all. Both systems are running 6.1-PRERELEASE amd64. 

With debug.mpsafenet=1, cvsup failes with "protocol error"s on the SMP box. 
Also, I run several Half-Life: Counter-Strike servers on it and clients 
occasionaly receive corrupted UDP packets which cause them to drop the 
connection. However as soon as I changed debug.mpsafenet to 0, all problems 
were gone.

So, maybe you should try changing debug.mpsafenet.
FYI: the SMP box has an Asus A8V (agp) mobo, and the other box an Asus K8V SE.

Pieter de Goeje
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