Steven Hartland wrote:
I've been trying to get a problem fixed with a Highpoint 1820a crashing
out with errors like:
kernel: IAL: COMPLETION ERROR, adapter 0, channel 2, flags=104
kernel: ATA regs: error 10, sector count 20, LBA low ff, LBA mid ff,
LBA high ff, device 4f, status 51
which results in the disk being dropped from the array.
A sharp eyed engineer at Highpoint has just spotted the fact that the
read error reported later is well beyond the end of the array ( 750Gb ):
g_vfs_done():da0s1h[READ(offset=535260184576,length=131072)]error = 5
As such is it possible there is a problem in the FS that fsck is not
which could be causing this behaviour when an rsync ( read only ) is
performed against it?
If there is indeed a vfs error which fsck is not detecting how would I
go about:
1. finding it
2. fixing it
I recently sent a very similar issue to freebsd-geom list, with no
responses yet (just sent it last week). I've got a system with ICH6 (or
ICH7 maybe) controller, and a SATA disk. I don't believe it's a driver
issue, and I don't think it's an fs issue, since I was dd'ing an image
onto the disk, and the image contained linux partitioning and an ext2
fs. I think it has to do with the tasting (or re-tasting) of the GEOM
devices, but that's pretty much a guess.
Eric Anderson Sr. Systems Administrator Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.
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