Hi all,

after upgrading my FreeBSD 6 gateway from 6-BETA2 to 6-RELEASE-p5, my AVM B1
PCMCIA active ISDN card stopped to work. When plugging the card in, all I
see are these lines in dmesg:

pccard0: Card has no functions!
cbb0: PC Card card activation failed

Additionaly, reading out the card's CIS information fails:

<0>ianus[1001]:~# pccardc dumpcisfile /dev/pccard0.cis 
pccardc: CIS code read: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Configuration data for file /dev/pccard0.cis

I want to span the C4B driver over this card, but in order for that driver
to hijack the card, it's necessary that it can detect it. This obviously
does not work ...

Any ideas?

  .''`.   Martin Loschwitz           Debian GNU/Linux developer
 `. `'`   http://www.madkiss.org/    people.debian.org/~madkiss/
   `-     Use Debian GNU/Linux 3.1!  See http://www.debian.org/

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