Ian Dowse wrote:
> The problem may be that your boot blocks were compiled with
> BOOT_COMCONSOLE_SPEED set to 9600. Try reinstalling them with e.g.
> `disklabel -B ad0s1' (make sure you get the right device name -
> it should be the slice that you boot from).

Okay, but why did 4.x through 5.x through 6.x (these have all been on
this particular machine) always boot with 115200 until now? :)

Anyway, I also thought that installworld would take care of installing
any updated boot blocks, if necessary.  I'll manually install them and
see what I end up with.

> Previously both /boot/loader and the boot blocks would override the
> serial port speed according to BOOT_COMCONSOLE_SPEED, but I believe
> that since the recent change, loader will assume that if the boot
> blocks requested a serial console, then they will have already set
> up the correct speed.

Ah, but notice that I didn't use boot0sio, but the regular boot0.  It
seems the serial port speed setting is compiled out in the latter
version.  Hence the port speed will be the BIOS default, which I alas
can't change; it's always 9600n1.

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