On 17 Feb 2006 at 9:00, Chuck Swiger wrote:

> [...]
> ARPOP_REQUESTs are made to the all-ones broadcast MAC address,
> and ARPOP_REPLYs go back addressed to the sender's MAC. 

Yes, that's what I was saying... good - so I haven't suddenly 
forgotten networking... :)

> FreeBSD notes when ARP traffic is seen which indicates that a
> MAC is moving being on one NIC to another. 

Ahhh.. I think I know what the messages meant then..
The server saw the broadcasts of the other PCs here - but they 
where coming in on a different NIC than FreeBSD's ARP cache is 
saying it should be.. It's not bad behaviour at all.. the Kernel 
is just concerned about the weird broadcasts that are on the 

If I got that right - sorry for the noise and thanks for the 
knowledge... :)

> Unless you take special measures (ng_fec?), one does not
> normally connect two NICs on one machine to the same collision
> domain. 

Hmm.. don't really see a problem with that.. two NICs with 
diffent IP on the same subnet.. binding say, a webserver and a 
database to different NICs... takes load off the single NIC, 
giving 100MBit to each service...

> By default, some other hardware (like Suns), will even use the
> same MAC address for every NIC on the machine.... 

Uhh.. that's nasty.. :)

- Thomas
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