On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 05:00:18PM -0600, Conrad Sabatier wrote:
> Given that STABLE is supposed to be...well...*stable* :-) ...
> Could we possibly remove "-D_PTHREADS_INVARIANTS", "-D_LOCK_DEBUG" and "-g"
> from the CFLAGS in the Makefiles for libc_r, libpthread and libthr?  I've
> been under the impression that these options were only intended for
> testing/debugging under CURRENT.

I think your impressions are wrong.  For example, -g has no effect on
the installed code (since it's stripped), and IIRC
-D_PTHREADS_INVARIANTS doesn't have a run-time penalty either.

> On a related note, I was rather surprised to discover recently that in
> sys/kern/kern_mutex.c, the MUTEX_WAKE_ALL option is forcibly defined if not
> already defined in the user's kernel config.  While the accompanying
> comment (in mutex.c) would seem to indicate that there's good reason for
> doing so at this time, at the very least, this should be documented in
> sys/conf/NOTES as well.
> Additionally, it should also be made unmistakably clear that certain other
> mutex-related options -- namely, ADAPTIVE_GIANT and NO_ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES --
> have absolutely no effect whatsoever unless SMP is also defined.  While I
> suppose this might be inferred from the fact that they're listed under the
> SMP section of NOTES, nonetheless, there is a chance that this relationship
> may go unrecognized.

Sounds like you can submit a patch for these.


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