Quoting Bill Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
There is a LOT more you should have said.

- You didn't say what chipset this chip has. No, "Linksys WPC54g v4"
 isn't enough to figure it out. You should do pciconf -lv with the
 card plugged in and show us the result.

- You didn't show the dmesg output from when the card is plugged in.

- You didn't show what commands you typed to "set an SSID under iconfig,"
 or for your attempts to "set wither WEP or WPA-PSK keys."

- If your panic info is accurate, you're using smbfs. Have you tried
 _NOT_ using smbfs to see what happens?

Remember, we're not there to look over your shoulder: you have to
_show_ us what you're doing, not summarize.

People, I'm getting tired of always having to ask for this basic
information. The more I have to ask, the more annoyed I get, and the
less inclined I am to help anyone. The shit you don't think is important?
It's important. So spill it already.

Bill makes important points, And I want to use them as a springboard to a
possible way to avoid these sequences of "Pleases tell us,....now tell us...."
messages on the lists.

What about creating a simple "snapshot grabber" or similar tool that would grab
the output of such commands and stuff them into a file?  Then the user could
attach it to the message to the list, or have it attached to the send-pr

Yeah, it would likely either grab too much or too little information. The first
isn't a problem, simply group information blocks in the file to various
sub-systems.  The second possibility will get fixed as the tool is used & it's
seen what additional information is asked for...



John T. Farmer          Owner & CTO              GoldSword Systems
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   865-691-6498             Knoxville TN
   Consulting, Design, & Development of Networks & Software

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