On 1/19/06, Karel Miklav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install FreeBSD 6.0 to a sub-notebook without
> floppy or optical unit. First I tried to install FreeBSD to
> a USB memory stick, boot notebook from there and do sysinstall
> on a local drive. It didn't work. I was able to partition
> the drive but couldn't write any data. Sysinstall installed
> everything back to the memory stick no matter what.
> Now I'm doing it with PXE,

If you can boot from the usb drive, why not do a bit of a brutish
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad0 bs=1024k count=10
bsdlabel -Bw ad0 (or whatever your internal disk is)
bsdlabel -e ad0
(edit partition entries here)
newfs -U -O2 /dev/ad0a (and others)
swapon /dev/ad0b
mount /dev/ad0a /mnt
mount /dev/ad0d /mnt/var
(and so on)
pax -r -w -p e -X /* /mnt (might want to man pax)
ditto for subdirs if they're not all on the same device
edit your fstab to reflect changes
and reboot?

Did I miss a bunch of stuff?
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