On Sat, Jan 07, 2006 at 06:44:36AM +1100, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> In general, volunteer projects have a surfeit of ideas and a shortage
> of real implementations.  The Project is never going to agree to import
> an idea without some substance.
Always true, and I wouldn't expect less.  But we've covered the topic of
wasting time writing code without buyin.
> >consensus that (a) the project has interest and (b) what flavors would be
> >acceptable to the existing groups - are both necessary for this project to
> >even mumble it's first line of code.
> In which case you need to move this thread to freebsd-arch where these
> sort of issues are discussed.  You need to clearly define your goals
> and suggest a design to meet them.  If your idea has merit, you'll be
> able to convince at least one committer to work with you to implement
> your design.
Yes, if it even gets that far.

But you're putting the cart before the horse.

When Scott posted the release schedule, I was not offering to build this
for him (although I am interested enough to try/help/etc)  I was suggesting
that perhaps this issue deserves a priority focus, given the escalation of

You're saying "If you want to go to war in Iraq then hire a military" and
I'm saying "I was just trying to see if there was agreement that Saddam 
is a bad guy" and more specifically "I have no desire to rush into Iraq 
without consensus" ;-)

Jo Rhett
senior geek
SVcolo : Silicon Valley Colocation
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