Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 04:58:01PM +0100, Frank Steinborn wrote:
>> i'm trying to update to -STABLE from today from a 6.0-RELEASE and make
>> installworld fails here:
[ ... ]
>>===> libexec/bootpd (install)
>> install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   bootpd /usr/libexec
>> strip: /usr/libexec/bootpd: Memory exhausted
> Well, is it?

Some people are more verbose than needed.  Kris is not one of those people.  :-)

However, Kris sometimes manages to generate such terse replies that you have to
know the answer to the question you've asked before his reply makes sense.
While brevity is a paramount virtue in writing-- and about that topic, I cannot
say too much [1]-- however, Frank, you might want to consider the output of
"swapinfo" and "top -o size".

Perhaps you don't have enough swap configured, or none at all?


[1]: "Bear in mind, at all times and in all circumstances, whatever the subject
under discussion-- be it never so dear to your heart and worthy of thoughtful
consideration at far greater length than that to which you are regretfully
obliged to constrain it-- that conciseness is a virtue of such paramount
importance that the present writer would ever dream of relinquishing it, even
for a moment; bearing in mind as well, that the related and yet not wholly
identical temptation to entangle both the narrative and the reader in a
thousand branching paths of digression, from which initally attractive yet
ultimately fruitless byways (like those deceptively promising mountain trails
which, when followed, gradually diminish to faint and narrow tracks and thence
to mere nothingness, leaving the traveller stranded at some spot deserted by
humanity not through whim or chance, but justly, on account of its intrinsic
lack of any interest whatsoever) one may only with great difficulty find one's
way back to the main thread, must also be sternly avoided.

Every time you explain this point to the reader, follow it with a firmly
worded assurance that that is exaactly what you intend to do.  Believe
yourself when you say it."  (Steven Brust and T. Heyden.)
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