On 12/1/05, Lutt, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Richard Arends wrote:
> >> Removing /var/db/dhclient.leases* fixed the
> >> problem not getting a lease for me and several other people over here.
> I had similar issues with my DLINK access point at home.  DHCP was
> very flakey until I setup a /etc/rc.shutdown.local file to remove
> /var/db/dhclient.leases* at shutdown.

After upgrading my "router" machine from 5.4 to 6.0 and when my ISP
had DHCP problems, I came home and saw that either the machine had IP
but could not connect anywhere or that dhclient had left and it's
famous last words were: "Link down, exiting"
I started getting flashbacks of dhcpcd on Linux....
I had no link faults on the nic or switch so I started poking on
dhclient info and then I saw 2 leases on dhclient.leases
After some testing I noticed that if dhclient couldn't get an IP
directly from the DHCP it went for the backup lease which was invalid.
Now...this on 5.4 was fine, but then again this is another dhclient.
Bug? Undocumented feature? I couldn't find a way to disable the "see
if we have a lease in file" behavior...

Joao Barros
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