On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 02:36:01PM -0700, Dan Charrois wrote:

> But here's about where any troubleshooting on my own reaches its  
> limit.  I noticed that Kris mentioned it was a known problem in the  
> stats counting for SMP machines and had been fixed, but haven't been  
> able to find a reference to that, or any indication of how to do so.   
> Is this fix supposed to have been an accounting bug in the report for  
> netstat, or is it something which would have taken down the machine  
> as has been happening?

It's a leak in the stats counting that has no implications other than
cosmetic ones.  If you update to 5.4-STABLE that should be fixed.

Anyway, if 5.4 is giving you stability problems then you should try
6.0 to see if the bug is already fixed.


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